Possible Future Routes for Battery Powered Trams in Nottingham

Questions & Answers
Q. How should the lines be constructed?
There should be no single contractor! We suggest the lines should be built in this way.
1. Councils and Authorities secure land (The Route)
2. Councils and Authorities issue multiple demolition contracts and clear the route.
3. Contracts are issued for the design and build of 70+ Stations to be installed by others.
3. Councils issue multiple contracts for the refurbishment of tunnels and bridges that are to be retained and reused.
3. Civil Engineers companies build substrate and drainage, bridges, flyovers under multiple contracts.
5. Construction companies install module stations and ancillary items such as car parks etc under multiple contracts.
4. Rail engineers install track, signals and overhead power lines. (There will be a requirement to use recycled Network Rail ballast, track and sleepers). See links page! * This excludes 'street' track.
A page in the Nottingham Evening Post each day should list all contracts with values, build time, start time, progress and finish, the people of Nottingham need to know who is doing what and why. (The same data set should appear on the appropriate websites).
Q. How long should testing take?
Testing and measurement should be completed as sections are built - there will be no 12 months of testing you will be given weeks, It is suggested you use sufficient resources to ensure this task is complete.
Q. Who deals with the Retail Parking Space Levy?
The same people that handle the workplace parking levy.
Q. Who builds the non-segregated sections of tram way (The bit down the roads)?
These contracts need to be the most scrutinised and monitored, there will be no repeat of Beeston High Street, the lines will not be over-engineered, they will not take years. The contracts will only allow weeks, it is for the construction company to figure out how to do that, how many people are required and what method. This is what Network Rail achieved in 10 weeks and for 100 million.
Built a new platform at Nottingham station.
Re-laid more than six miles of track, installed 139 signals and 39 points.
Changed the track layout at the station.
Improvements to other sections, notably parts of the Robin Hood Line to Mansfield
Replacing level crossings & footbridges at Sneinton & Trent Lane, renewed equipment at two more crossings.
Moving control of signalling to a state-of-the-art centre in Derby.
Please explain why timeframes for work on our high streets cannot be completed like this?
Perhaps these contracts should be awarded to Network Rail?
Q. What about areas such as Wollaton, Bramcote and Beachdale?
There is a heavy rail line that cuts through this area, we believe that at least two stations should be built on route together with a new southbound curve at Trowell to serve HS2. This would also mean Network rail can avoid issues regards the electrification of the Midland line and the problem this creates with the three level crossings at Trent Lane, Attenborough Nature Reserve and Attenborough Station. Basically, re-route the Midland line. Attenborough passengers can use the park and Ride at Toton and Beeston now has the tram.
Further to this proposal we would strongly recommend the construction of a new heavy rail line spurring off the Midland between Simms Scrap Metal yard and the entrance to Boots, the line would then cross open land, the A453 and skirt its way to join the Great Central route at Ruddington (together with the reinstatement of the station).
The line would follow to GC down to Loughborough where a new spur north of Loughborough Station would join the existing GC track bed to the Midland. This would speed up journey times and again avoid issues with the level crossings. 80% of the track bed is already in place and built for high speed! (See Map)